it's not your fault!

overcoming copper & iron imbalance masterclass

Copper toxic or been told you're anaemic?


You often suffer with irritability, anger, foggy headedness, feeling super low, and on edge?

You feel like something is out of balance within you?

You haven’t felt like yourself for what seems like forever; angry, irritated, moody, knackered?

And this is starting to impact your relationships and family life in a negative way?


Many people that feel this way get told it’s all in their head and get prescribed anti-depressants or anxiety meds. 

I was one of them. 

I suffered with anorexia, postpartum depression and anxiety, and fatigue before I learned I was copper toxic, which was also impacting how my body was using iron.

I always thought my life was pretty good and I had no idea why I’d often suffer with intense irritability, aggression, foggy headedness, feeling super low, and on edge.

It was a huge relief to discover that it wasn’t that I just hated who I was, there was a reason I was like this and, more importantly, I now knew what I needed to do to switch this around.

That’s why I want to teach you about what’s happening in your body, so you can have more self-compassion for what you’re experiencing and get some actions and strategies to help.

Not many health professionals even know about copper toxicity, so if you’ve just discovered you're likely copper toxic, you’re probably feeling pretty lost right now.

You’ll learn about...


Copper symptoms and issues


Copper exposure


Copper postpartum depression and other mental health struggles


Copper and zinc balance


Copper and hormone imbalances


Link to slow thyroid and adrenal fatigue


Copper's link with iron metabolism


Iron fortification and anaemia


How to balance your copper and use your iron effectively

how can you access these secrets?

This masterclass is taken from my self-paced online program, Radiant Mumma, but I’m offering it to you for just…

$37 free

australian dollars

Ask yourself…


If all this masterclass did was


FINALLY help me understand why I feel the way I do… Would it be worth $37?


Help me understand what I need to do to heal and get back to feeling more “me”… Would it be worth $37?


Give me the ability to connect back with my loved ones, understanding that it's not my fault I'm struggling as I am… Would it be worth $37?

the mum's functional health practiTioner

Carla Atkinson

I’m a Functional Health & Mineral-Nutritional Balancing Practitioner, and Life Coach, specialising in helping mums struggling with exhaustion, low mood, anxiety, overwhelm, brain fog, and that sensation of feeling tired but too wired to sleep.

I’m also mum to ‘fournado’ twin boys, and have struggled with and healed from anorexia, gut and digestive problems, no menstrual cycle, two miscarriages, depression, anxiety, perfectionism, exhaustion, brain fog, and pain from scoliosis.

I want to help you restore your strength and energy so you can get back to fully living and enjoying your life instead of feeling held back by your fatigue and health struggles.

No more dimmed, knackered versions of ourselves, let's become our true radiant selves!

So what are you waiting for?


The information I provide is for educational purposes only and is not intended to, cannot, and should not, be expected to be a substitute a personal consultation with your own qualified doctor. It is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or replace prescribed medications.